Saturday, February 26, 2011

Modern Dance Costumes 2010

Informazioni personali / Personal info / Privacy

Mary, where are you from?
Mary, where are you from?
マリア さん, どこ の 国 から 来ました か.

I come from Italy. / I'm Italian. are born in Rome but live in Milan.
I'm from Italy. / I'm italian. I Was Born in Rome But I live in Milan,
came from Italy. / Is Italian. Born in Rome , but I live in Milan .

Che lavoro fai?

What's your job ?
of What is your job .

Ancora non lavoro. Sto ancora studiando economia all'università di Milano.

I don't work yet. I'm still studying economy at the university of Milan.
still does not work. The economy at the University of Milan, the other is studying .

Quanti anni hai?

How old are you?
What do years.

Ho 23 anni.
I'm 23 years-old.
23 years old.

Quando è il tuo compleanno ?
When is your birthday ?
you do When is your birthday.

Il mio compleanno è il 7 Maggio.

My birthday is on the 7th of May.
My birthday is May 7.
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[ To be continued... ]


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