Friday, November 19, 2010

Catchy Slogans On Dance

the force

happens at work that have made things unbearable.
And when things get unbearable often appears the famous force of desperation, one that makes you face who is holding the gun and makes you take a bullet in his skull as a punishment but as the end of torture, the inevitability of acceptance. Then raise your head and realize that you have nothing to lose. Ok, in my case it was not so deadly the situation, but he was leaving half of my health. And when this happens a warning primordial sounds, your mind becomes sharper, your sure-footed despite the foot tingling with fear, your hands shake even though they are not as cold as those of a dead man.

Arriva the or I pull out on its own or will not do any . I think it is a tacit acquisition of conscience, an acceptance that you are not a number, but a unity, a unity find solutions. Makes the difference. I took and commanded to close, and decided I have given. If I decided well only time will tell, but of all those who complained and I just stopped asking . And I said . Like all bets are won or lost, it will be time to decide.

But this time I am allowed to subvert this universal law, although he only bet I've already won something: the chance to bet. Before I would accept without a word of hatred in our hearts soaking. Now my decision.
It was now nearly thirty years.


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