ricky600 @ 2008-08-20T21:43:00
Hello everyone, I am still alive, I've Just Been Away, first in La Coruna, Galicia, northern Spain, for the Mozart festival there, then in Macerata in the Marche, central Italy, for the summer festival in the Sferisterio there.So arena for the last three or four months I have not Been home, haves and let my LJ slip.Now I'm back in Milan, But on Friday I'm going to Venice, where, I've rented the house last winter I Had, "Because it's very nice, with a big private garden in the center of Venice. (See photo)
Hello everyone, I'm still alive, but I was always away, first in La Coruna, in Galicia in northern Spain, the Mozart Festival, and then in Macerata in Le Marche for the summer festival Sferisterio.Quindi arena for the last three or four months I was not home and I let go of the blog.Ora sono di ritorno a Milano,ma venerdì parto per Venezia dove ho affittato la casa che avevo l'inverno scorso,perchè è bella,con un grande giardino privato nel centro di Venezia.(Vedere foto)
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